50 Jobs You Can Do Remotely While Travelling The World.

It’s 2019 and there are many jobs which don’t require working in one specific location 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. If you are one of those people, who’d rather work from a beach in Thailand while sipping coconuts or try out different cafes on your road trip through Europe, then this blog post is for you. We've listed 50 occupations from A to Z that you can totally do while seeing the world.
50 jobs you can do remotely while traveling the world:
1. Accountant
There are about 200 million companies in the world, and they need someone to keep their books in order. So if you are good with numbers, take a course on accounting and get in touch with the companies.
2. Animator
If creating images that appear to come into life on screen is something you’re good at, then offer your work to computer game developers, commercial producers, websites or even film-makers. And you can work with clients worldwide while travelling around the world yourself.
3. Artist
If creating magic with your hands is your forte then start earning money with it. You can offer your artwork to brands, who might want to use it in their ads or products, sell your prints online, put together exhibitions, do workshops and/or collaborate with other creatives.
4. Au pair
If you love kids then go work as a babysitter. There are different websites like AuPairWorld that you can use to find families who are looking for a person to look after their kiddos. And you can choose a destination you’d love to travel to, and then find families through Facebook groups, who’d love a helping hand in that destination.
5. Blogger
If you love blogging about a certain topic or sharing your life online with the whole world then you can start earning money while doing it! Place some ads on your blog or become an affiliate for certain brands, promote them and earn a commission. If you’re good at it, you’ll probably get loads of clothes, other products or even trips for free too.
6. Consultant
If you’re an expert in any field then start helping others with your knowledge. Build a strong portfolio, find a business to work for or start your own firm. You can easily do sessions online via Skype and all you need is a reliable WIFI.
7. Copywriter
If putting together witty sentences is your secret talent then copywriting is something you’d be great at. Join an agency remotely or find some clients on your own. And start producing text for ads, brochures, websites, newsletters, catalogues etc.
8. Customer service manager
You could easily find a company you like and start working for them online, investigating and solving customers’ problems, handling complaints, issuing refunds etc. All you need is good communication and language skills, and of course patience.
9. Digital Marketing Specialist
If you know all the secrets about Facebook Ads and Google AdWords, then you’re definitely wanted by many companies to help them with advertising their products. Just make sure you have wifi and you can work in any corner of the world.
10. DJ
There are parties and concerts happening everywhere. And these events cannot happen without (good) music. So talk to the club, bar or venue managers and get yourself a gig or sell your sounds online.
11. Drop-shipper
You can create an online shop that works on dropshipping, which means that you don’t have the goods you sell in stock, you just transfer the order to the manufacturer and they ship it to your customer. You handle everything on your laptop and don’t have to worry about hiring people or keeping the warehouse in order.
12. Email marketer
Emails are not dead, no matter what some people might say. And a lot of brands need help creating eye-catching and beautiful messages to send to their customers. So if you know something about marketing, are good at writing and can use MailChimp, offer your talent to agencies and brands around the world.
13. Ghostwriter
If you like writing but feel shy sharing it under your own name then ghostwriting might be for you. You can pour your heart and soul into beautiful texts or speeches, and get paid for it, but they will be credited to another person as an author. You can find these kinds of works from sites like Upwork and PeoplePerHour.
14. Hairstylist
Literally everybody needs their hair cut from time to time. Which means that if you’re any good at styling and cutting hair then you have over 7 billion clients. Build your portfolio online and let your fans know in which part of the world do you plan to travel to.
15. Hotel/hostel staff
When you need a job in a new location then start looking for it from where you stay. Most hostels have a decent reception and need a person to work there or are in need of housekeepers etc. This probably won’t make you tons of money, but you might get free accommodation plus some pocket money.
16. Illustrator
If Apple Pencil and tablet are permanently glued to your hands then you know what to do. Offer your illustrations to publishing companies, record labels or to clothing lines to get a deal with them.
17. Influencer/content creator
If you love being on social media and displaying your life there then start growing your account, so you can eventually start working with different brands you like.
18. Language teacher
If you’re multilingual then start teaching some of the languages you’re fluent in. If you’re a professional teacher - good for you, you already know what to do. If you’re not, take some courses to cover the basics of how to teach languages, become a self-taught disciple and start teaching. You can do this wherever, see if locals are interested in putting together a study group or just find clients online and teach them via Skype.
19. Make-up artist
If you’re great at making people feel and look pretty then use your talent. There are always gonna be weddings, graduations, birthday parties, photo shoots etc. Just bring your make-up kit with you wherever you go next.
20. Marketer
If you love creating strategies to increase business’ sales and come up with creative marketing ideas then you’ve found your calling. Every company needs a marketer, just find the one you like, take your laptop with you and hop on a plane.
21. Model
Becoming a model has never been easier. Learn your best angles, take some photos and build your portfolio on Instagram. Many clothing brands and model agencies are scouting new talent on social media. And it’s 2019 - no one is looking for that “perfect” blonde hair blue eyed girl anymore. It’s all about your story and the ability to stand out.
22. Motivational speaker
If you have a story to tell, especially one that will make other people’s lives better, don’t hold back. Share it on your Facebook page, in Youtube or give talks at events. Everyone needs some encouragement once in a while. And if you are good, people are going to pay to listen to you.
23. Musician
If this is your calling then keep creating magic, record albums and start touring the world.
24. Online magazine editor
If journalism is your thing then you have a chance to work as an editor for your favorite magazine. Or create a magazine yourself. You can choose what content to feature that your audience would enjoy, edit stories and work with other creatives while sipping mocktails on the beach.
25. Personal stylist
Some people simply don’t have any time to think about what they’re going to wear today. That’s where you come into play, work your magic and make people look beautiful and feel good in their clothes.
26. Personal trainer
If you like working out then learn how to become a personal trainer, get certified and start giving classes. You can create different training programs, compile ebooks or film online courses and start selling them. You can also find different fitness clubs abroad to work at, find private clients or work via Skype.
27. Photographer
If cameras are your best friends then don’t hide your talent and start taking bookings for photoshoots, There are always people who want beautiful photos of themselves, just scroll on Instagram and you’ll find a handful of people searching for a photographer in a certain location. Or you could reach out to some companies who want photos of their products, the options are endless in this field.
28. Podcaster
It seems that pretty much everyone listens to podcasts nowadays. If you have interesting insights to share and are good at catching people’s attention then this is for you. Create your own podcast or be a guest in someone else’s. You can earn money by featuring a product or doing ad breaks.
29. Poet
If you’re amazing with words then share your talent with the world, surround yourself with inspiration (we recommend Sri Lankan sunsets or the sounds of raindrops in the Balinese jungle) and create amazing poetry or lyrics for singers.
30. Product tester
You probably didn’t even know that you can get paid for testing out new products and sharing your opinion on them. So find some companies who want your insights and feedback, and start testing and earning money from it.
31. Programmer
If coding is your superpower then you should have an endless supply of job offers, as we’re living in a world where there’s always need for new apps, websites, programs etc.
32. Project manager
If you’re great at planning, budgeting and documenting everything then you might want to become a project manager. Connect with some companies, find yourself a project to work on, find wifi and keep sipping on those coconuts.
33. Proofreader
If you’re a grammar nazi and people who make loads of grammar mistakes drive you nuts then make this world a better place by helping them with proofreading. Get your hands on books or articles waiting to be published and work away.
34. Researcher
If you like spreadsheets and collecting data then this is the perfect job for you! Find a project to work on and lose yourself into the depths of the Internet.
35. Salesperson
If calling to strangers doesn’t freak you out and you can handle sending 100 emails a day, then you have the potential of being a super-good salesperson. Companies always want to reach out to new business partners and clients and you can help them with that.
36. SEO specialist
If you’re good at analyzing, reviewing and implementing changes to websites so they are optimized for search engines then this is something for you. Keep yourself up to date with trends and develop strategies that work with them and everyone will want to hire you.
37. Social media manager
If creating beautiful well-curated feeds is your jam, then find yourself a company you admire, reach out to them and see if they need someone to handle their Instagram or Facebook page. Brands have now realised that being present in social media and communicating with their fans is necessary and good for their marketing, so there should always be jobs available in that field.
38. Tattoo Artist
If you love tattooing people and you’re good at it then build yourself an online portfolio, use some help of social media and you’ll easily find clients around the world! Just make sure you won’t get into trouble by offering your services in countries like the UAE or South Korea, where tattooing is illegal unless you’re a licensed doctor...
39. Translator
If you’re fluent in multiple languages then go offer your services to businesses who need translators! The world has had enough of Google Translate fails.
40. Transcriber
If you know Qwerty like your own ten fingers then you’ve found yourself a job. Find a company to work for and start converting live speeches into written text documents.
41. UX Designer
If you love creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users, then this is your thing! You can join forces with another design studio or build your own business.
42. Videographer
If you are good at filming, you can offer to do wedding videos, hotel promos and other clips on the go anywhere in the world. The world is shifting more and more from static images to moving ones, so options are endless in this field.
43. Video or audio editor
If you’re a badass editor then offer your services to companies. There’s always someone who needs help putting together a video of their awesome Summer adventures or a business in need of an eye-catching ad.
44. Virtual assistant
Find a company you like and see if they need anyone to help with answering emails, handling orders, organising documents or anything else that you can do on your laptop.
45. Vlogger
If you’re living a super interesting life and are always documenting it with a camera then you might want to become a full-time vlogger. Share these vlogs with your audience, place some ads on your channel and get paid by YouTube. People will forever be curious and love watching what others are up to.
46. Volunteer
This won’t necessarily earn you money but is an amazing way to travel while only working for a few hours a day in exchange for food and accommodation. Use organisations like WWOOF and WorkAway to find connections and hosts.
47. Web/graphic designer
If you’re all about visual storytelling and have a special talent in using Adobe Illustrator then get out there! Bring your laptop and start working.
48. Workshop organiser (cooking, meditation, writing etc)
Everybody loves learning new things, and we all know it’s best to learn from the ones who have lots of experience. So if you’re great at cooking, handicrafts, handstands or any other field, put together a workshop, spread the word on social media and encourage people to show up.
49. Writer
If writing is your passion, then find a location that boosts your inspiration and start writing. You can start with your own book or contribute as an article writer to a newspaper or magazine.
50. Yoga teacher
If yoga is a passion of yours then apply for a yoga teacher training, get certified and start teaching yoga classes! You can easily do that on the road, just find yoga studios or resorts to teach at, offer to assist other teachers on their retreats or teacher trainings, organize your own retreats or workshops and build a global community.
So here you have it. 50 ideas for a career change that will let you travel the world and work-work-work at the same time. Is there any profession you'd like to add to the list? Let us know in the comments.